
Holiday Melancholy: Finding Light in the Season

As we navigate the holiday season, many of us anticipate joy, warmth, and festivities. However,
the holidays can bring about a complex mix of emotions, sometimes called the "holiday blues."
With my clients, I refer to it as melancholy, which can be sadness and pensiveness often mixed
with a dose of bittersweetness. The women I work with sometimes feel overwhelmed, anxious,
or lonely during these dark winter days.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Activates Vagus Nerve
Diaphragmatic Breathing Activates Vagus Nerve

Breathing is a no-brainer. We all do it, day in and day out. Yet, there is more to it. As a yoga instructor and mental health therapist, I have taught people to breathe for over twenty years. Diaphragmatic breathing activates the vagus nerve which is important.  The...

The Difference Between Empathy & Compassion
The Difference Between Empathy & Compassion

As an empath and therapist, I often discuss the difference between empathy and compassion with clients. Empathy and compassion are two terms that are often used interchangeably. However, they have different meanings and implications for our daily lives. Empathy is the...

How Trauma Impacts Financial Health
How Trauma Impacts Financial Health

Oprah Winfrey once said, "There is no greater obstacle to success than fear of failure." I would add fear of success to this too. This is especially true when it comes to trauma and money blocks. Trauma can cause us to feel like we're not good enough or that we don't...

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